Engagement Opportunities, Events and Professionals’ Network
Wales Gene Park’s Education and Engagement team have extensive experience of delivering high quality, successful programmes of education, engagement, participation, and involvement across a broad range of audiences which include:
- The public
- Schools and Colleges
- Health Professionals
- Researchers
- Those affected by rare and genetic conditions, including individuals, families, carers, and patient organisations
Wales Gene Park organises a range of events for researchers which include conferences, meetings, symposia, webinars and workshops on all aspects of genetic and genomic medicine and other relevant topics.
These events bring together experts and delegates from Wales, the UK and across the world to share knowledge and information, provide a forum for networking and showcase areas of expertise in Wales on a national and international stage.
The team can undertake all aspects of organisation and has an excellent reputation for delivering high-quality, bespoke events for large and small audiences. If you would like to discuss organising an event with us, please get in touch with the E & E team (walesgenepark@cardiff.ac.uk / morganrr1@cardiff.ac.uk / parkeri9@cardiff.ac.uk.)
Engagement Opportunities:
The Education and Engagement work package offers a variety of opportunities to researchers which include:
Research engagement talks and sessions at a range of events such as:
- School/College Genetics Roadshows and Sixth Form Conferences
- Community group meetings (organisations include University of the Third Age, Rotary Clubs, Women’s Institute, Probus, NHS Retirement Fellowships, Library Groups)
- Public lectures and public genetics conferences
- Research and Health Professional meetings (including conferences, workshops, update days, online events)
- Meetings for the Rare Disease Community (e.g. conferences, focus groups, family information days and workshops)

Collaborative development and delivery of research engagement projects:
Wales Gene Park works with researchers across Wales to collaborate on projects which facilitate research and engagement focused on genomics. Utilising its broad and successful experience of engagement, the Education and Engagement team can support researchers to develop and submit external funding applications for relevant projects. Where possible, funding will first be sought for pilot projects with the potential to leverage larger external funds for longer-term projects. WGP can provide expertise with aspects including:
Research engagement ideas, funding opportunities and applications, patient and patient involvement and engagement, marketing and publicity, event organisation, audiences, networks, delivery and evaluation.
Embedded from the outset and undertaken throughout, patient and public involvement will underpin each project, supported by well-established patient and public networks. The aim of this approach is to drive externally funded, public-focused engagement around genetic/genomic research in Wales and to ensure that patients and the public are at the centre of research.
Engagement stands at events such as science festivals and careers fayres:
Researchers can either assist with Wales Gene Park’s engagement stand and activities or have their own stand at a Wales Gene Park event.

The Education and Engagement team is highly experienced, flexible and enthusiastic and would be pleased to hear from any researchers interesting in working together. To find our more or discuss any specific ideas, projects or requirements please get in touch with the E & E team.
Wales Gene Park Professionals’ Network:
Wales Gene Park’s new Professionals’ Network is for researchers, health professionals, and other relevant stakeholders with an interest in genetics and genomics.
The network is free to join and members will receive information – including a biannual e-newsletter – about Wales Gene Park’s programme of work, ranging from its genomics and bioinformatics services and research activities to its education and engagement programme, and opportunities to collaborate.
If you would like to join the network please email: WalesGenePark@Cardiff.ac.uk