Events for the Public
Wales Gene Park organises and delivers a busy and varied programme of public events throughout Wales which are aimed at enhancing understanding of, and promoting engagement with, genetics and genomics amongst all members of society. These include:
- Genetics & Genomics for the 3rd Generation (‘3G’) Public Conference
This popular, free event takes place annually and is open to all members of the public that have an interest in DNA, genetics, genomics and associated topics. The conference is specifically aimed at the over 50 age group, but open to all ages. Attendees enjoy talks on cutting-edge subjects showcasing research and other projects throughout Wales.

- Community Group Talks
Wales Gene Park delivers free talks to community groups throughout Wales which include Rotary Clubs, Women’s Institute (WI) groups, NHS Retirement Fellowships, Probus, Soroptimists, University of the Third Age (U3A) and community library groups.
Talks cover a range of DNA and genetics/genomics-related topics – examples include genetics and genomics in everyday life, conservation and biodiversity, DNA fingerprinting, advances in genomics, stem cells, and personalised medicine. However, genetics/genomics is a rapidly changing area of science, and the range of talks are developed to keep up with these new advances.

If you would like further information or to request an event for your group, please get in touch:
- Public Talks and Lectures
Wales Gene Park’s public talks and lectures, which are organised throughout the year, are aimed at engaging with a lay audience about topical genetics and genomics-related issues. Attendees are varied and range from Sixth Form students through to retired members of the public. Previous topics have included Over-the-Counter Genetic Testing, the 100,000 Genomes Project, Rare Cancers, Unravelling the Helix, Mental Health and Genetics, and Prostate Cancer and You.

To suggest a topic for a public talk, please get in touch.
- Other events
Wales Gene Park also organises and delivers other one-off events such as film screenings and participates in additional engagement activities such as public science festivals.