This week, we held an event at Wales Genomics Health Centre/Canolfan Iechyd Genomig Cymru, celebrating 20 years of Education & Engagement by Wales Gene Park. Many attended the event, to include past colleagues, collaborators and patients the team have worked with over the last two decades.

After some networking & light refreshments, several short talks commenced to highlight the achievements of our Education & Engagement delivery, our patient and public involvement work, and our collaborative work over the years with the All Wales Medical Genomics Service. Our speakers included Angela Burgess (Wales Gene Park), Emma Hughes (Wales Gene Park, Genetic Alliance UK), Dr Rhian Morgan (Wales Gene Park), Dr Andrew Fry (Wales Gene Park), Professor Peter Kille (Cardiff University) and Dr Alexandra Murray (AWMGS). We also had a video message from our colleague Dr Anita Shaw (STEM Powered Learning) who has helped us deliver by chairing some of our past events.

In addition to the celebration, we were also marking the retirement of our long standing colleague, Angela Burgess, who was co-director of Wales Gene Park and founded our Education & Engagement delivery package of events. Colleagues thanked Angela for all of her hard work and meaningful contribution to the Education & Engagement programme. She will be sorely missed as a member of our team.

We want to thank everyone that attended, and all those involved in our work over the last 20 years. The Education & Engagement team are excited for all of our future opportunities’ and events, and to continue Angela’s legacy delivering quality engagement.

By Isabella Parker
Education & Engagement Officer, Wales Gene Park