Join us via Zoom for a public event about DNA, genetics & genomics.
Like to find out more about the fascinating field of DNA, genetics and genomics and discover how it affects our everyday lives?
Join us for our 8th annual 3G public genetics and genomics conference! Enjoy short talks on topics including:
V for Vaccination: from Cowpox to Covid Dr David Llewellyn, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Nutrigenomics of Coffee Dr Maninder Ahluwalia, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Let’s Talk About Bowel Cancer Shelley Nott, Bowel Cancer UK
Using the Arts to Raise Awareness of Rare Diseases Ceri Hughes, Same But Different
History, declines and genetic contact in the northern and southern white rhinoceros Dr Isa-Rita Russo, Cardiff University
Join us for the whole event or drop in for some talks (talks are 25 mins. including time for questions with our expert speakers).
There will be a 5 minute break between each talk. The event is aimed at members of the public over 50, but everyone is welcome.
Attendance FREE. Registration required via: